1. Playing House: Who knew my favorite game as a youngster would actually become my ultimate goal in life – becoming a homemaker. I have my Easy-Bake Oven to thank for teaching me the art of baking. I take pride in all of those fake tea parties I had for my Barbies and stuffed animals, it has really prepared me be to a great host for parties. Thinking back now, I remember begging my mom to buy me one of those baby dolls that you could feed fake baby food… I thought they were awesome, until it came out the other end; but at the young age of 6, I was a master at changing a diaper.
2. Pinky Promises: Pinky promises are still extremely serious business in my world. It’s how I settle 99.9% of all promises made. If you break it, you’re dead to me.
3. Jinx: You owe me a soda! Preferably diet.
4. Disney movies: I loved Disney movies just as much as any other kid did back in the 90’s. I was raised on these movies; our TV cabinet was filled with every Disney VHS you could think of. I had my favorite princess (Belle, gotta represent!) I knew all the words/noises to the opening of Lion King. Fox & the Hound was the saddest movie alive. You get the point. I grew up watching these movies as the norm, but I’d say it wasn’t until college when I really fell in love with them. I will plan my entire day around ABC Family because they’re planning Aladdin, Cinderella, etc.. It’s a sickness. I can’t wait to have children so it’s socially acceptable to be obsessed. Oh and don’t even get me started on Disney World, that place is 10 times more magical as an adult.
5. Bath Time: As a child my parents gave me a limit on the amount of bubbles I was allowed… Needless to say, as an adult, I go overboard. Bath time is A LOT more fun nowadays. Instead of having a rubber ducky to play with… I have wine. Life is good.
6. Naps: This one is self-explanatory.
7. Blanket Forts: There’s something about a blanket roof and pillowed floor… I can’t explain it, but it’s amazing. My future children are going to be so spoiled with my fort making skills. If you haven’t built a fort since your childhood, you’re truly missing out. Have a wine night with your girlfriends and build a fort, you won’t regret it. I pray to find a man who will be silly enough to want to build a fort with me.
8. Mommy & Daddy: I’m sorry, but what’s this dad you speak of? I have a daddy… is that the same thing?
9. Dress Up: As a little girl I had various princess dresses, old Halloween costumes and my mother’s closet to play dress up with. It was probably one of my favorite activities to do when I was little. I’d have “fashion shows” and my Mommy would take a million & one photos of me. I could not wait to grow up and be able to wear real high-heels, and not the loud, uncomfortable, plastic ones. Today I still play dress up! It has different name though, now it’s called shopping or getting ready.
10. Chick-fil-A Kid’s Meal: Not only is it a smaller portion of fast food, butttttt, you can trade in your toy for ice-cream… need I say more?
and yet in the other topic you said video games are childish LOL
Haha, I remember when I was little and my dad would get home from work. I would shout “Daddy!” and charge at him while he held his arms out and yelled “Down Dino!”
I don’t know when I switched from that to calling him “Dad”. Probably around puberty when I wanted to be all grown-up and such. Ah, good memories
DISNEY MOVIES ARE MY OBSESSION! I think the older I get; the more I fall in love with them. My joke is “Sometimes it is necessary to drown your sorrows in Disney movies and chocolate ice cream.” I cannot count the number of times I have came home from college and watched a Disney movie.