The other night, I’m not sure what came over me. It was a normal night, but I felt more in love than ever. It’s funny how you can be with someone for a long time and just take things for granted, but the other night, it was different. I was sitting on the couch cuddled up next to my husband, and I couldn’t stop smiling. I felt like we were on our first date again.
Days blur together a lot… and sometimes it feels good to just stop and be thankful. It’s easy as a woman to complain about my husband and say “he runs the dishwasher before it’s full,” “keeps the house too cold,” and “thinks all food goes bad after one day” but, why is it so hard sometimes to be positive? Maybe it’s because we take the positive things for granted– Because let’s face it, God’s blessed me, if all I can complain about are those tiny things… I’m very lucky.
There are women out there who have it so much worse, and I think about those errors? When to be honest with you, I think those errors make him more precious. He is precious. There is no other way to describe it. I love how goal oriented he is, how he loves God, how he wants to hold me tight every night before we fall asleep, how we are interested in the same shows and love watching them together, how we love all the same topics of conversation and can talk for hours… I even think the not so cute things are precious – like how he worries about things I’d never worry about – I love being the opposite of him, giving him pep talks because my cup is always running over.
I love having a best friend, someone to share life with — I think that’s why I was smiling nonstop the other night. I’ve found my best friend, and I’m the luckiest girl in the world, and it felt great to remind myself of that.
So, lesson learned: Remember to be thankful, because God has truly blessed you.
1 Comment
I loved this. You’re right, sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the everyday and ignore the big picture. Taking the time to be present in the moment and thankful for the wonderful people in my life is something I am always striving to improve upon. You definitely hit the nail on the head here.