Question: This might seem kind of crazy considering the type of blog you have, But I find it very inspiring to read your posts and you seem really ...
On June 11, 2014 / By DiamondAmerica is changing. Families are changing. More couples are divorcing. Less couples are prioritizing children. Girls are lowering their expectations and “settling.” Most of our leaders are failing ...
On June 9, 2014 / By Diamond(Oh yes, he did.) After an emotional break-up, there comes a point in time that you “think” you’re over it. You’re over it all– over his perfect smile, over ...
On March 31, 2014 / By RubyWhen you were little you probably dreamed of Prince Charming. The guy that would save you from life’s monsters, tell you that you are beautiful and loved, respect ...
On March 11, 2014 / By Diamond1. Is THIN mint some sick joke? 2. Who exactly is Savannah? 3. And why is she smiling? 4. Do you pick Samoa’s coconuts from where Eve got ...
On March 6, 2014 / By DiamondI’ve changed a lot over the years, especially when it comes to style. I remember back in 6th grade I wore colorful clothes with a long braid down ...
On March 5, 2014 / By DiamondI have to say I love y’alls blog it is packed with wonderful advice and I read it daily. So now to get to the meat of my ...
On February 4, 2014 / By DiamondI don’t usually cry. But when I do…better believe there are some serious hormones running amuck. 26 Crazy Things I’ve Cried About While Pregnant 1. I couldn’t sweep ...
On January 22, 2014 / By Emerald(… or take their sweet time) Question: So, there’s this guy that I’ve been getting close to over the past few months and I’ve begun to wonder. Why is ...
On January 15, 2014 / By Diamond